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find your voice

I've kept a journal from age seven. What I love about journalling is that I get to see myself on the page. As the central charater in our lives it's difficult witness ourselves in all of glory and despair. Journaling reveals our character – what we think, feel and what we would do when no one is looking. We can ask the tough questions, witness the honest answers and count our blessings.​ Thirteen year old Anne Frank, wrote in her small red and white autograph book. How noble and good everyone could be if at the end of the day they could review their own behaviour and weigh up the rights and wrongs. They would automatically try to do better at the start of each new day.”

Michel Foucault the great philosopher described journaling as “a weapon for spiritual combat to silence the barking dogs in your head.” Research supports it can slow the mind down and help us gain peace and acceptance.




Masterclass: Heart - Voice connection

This workshop is about how stress and anxiety affect your voice and your ability to express yourself in the moment day to day, meetings and on stage. Explore a toolbox of practical exercises to reframe nerves and practice using your voice.

Your voice box and heart are connected via the vagus nerve - the largest cranial nerve in your body. Your voice picks up all of your emotions - your nervousness, self doubt, confidence, your truth and importantly any mis-match between how you feel and what you say.

As a speaker coach for over 15 years Marie has helped thousands of people share their story in a variety of situations from corporate presentation to the world stage.

Understand how:

This masterclass uses a ground breaking science backed framework to help you understand how to your nervous system affects your voice and what you can do to help.
You will explore a toolbox of practical exercises that help you to cope in the moment and build longer term confidence and resilience.
You will find this workshop informative and helpful if struggle to find your voice in social situations, meetings, presentations or on stage. Ideally you will have an interest in self development and learning.
You will understand:
  • How the nervous system affects your voice
  • The role of the nervous system in stress, chronic stress, trauma and burnout.
  • The effects of a regulated vs dysregulated nervous system
  • How to strengthen the vagal brake and ventral branch of the nervous sytem that affect social engagement
  • The benefits of story telling
  • Practical delivery sessions on a variety of topics.
  • How to apply a toolset of practical exercises to help build nervous system resilience.
  • Your voice is affected stress, trauma and burnout.
  • To regulate your emotions
  • Triggers affect your nervous system and build resilience
  • To manage your individual energy spend and the cost from going overdrawn!
  • Stop living on your nerves - to break the vicious cycle of self-sabotage causing stress and anxiety
  • Feel safe, secure and HALT dysregulation
  • Use your voice to de-stress
  • How to voice your truth
  • How to tell a story
In addition practical sessions will explore a toolbox of exercises that help you to reframe and find your voice.

Masterclass: Heart-Voice connection.



6 hours

Training aimed at anyone who struggles to find their voice, whether it be day-to-day, in meetings, presentations or on the world stage


Investment: £159


Marie Burns © 2024 

All Rights Reserved 2024. Privacy Policy Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment.

What Clients Say

"Marie is very understanding and knowledgeable and I enjoyed every meeting. I felt able to be myself for the first time in my entire life. (A. Manchester)."

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