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welcome, i'm glad you're here, i'm marie,

Perhaps you're here because you're tired of BEING WHO YOU AREN'T, overriding your instincts or masking who you are to fit in. You may have lost your spark or forgotten what lights you up.


There is a little voice inside of us all reminding us what really matters, but we try to ignore her or push her away. She is the calling of our unlived life and haunts us in our the end. No. 1 regret of the dying is 'not being who we are'.

I lived this way for decades until age forty-three my body brought me to a halt. I felt I had no choice but to address the root cause. This became my reckoning, initiation, my invitation to stop the pretence and BE WHO I ALREADY AM.​

“our unlived life is a destructive, irresistible force that works softly but inexorably.” cg jung

about my work

In our materialistic productivity based culture not everyone finds the courage to listen to their inner voice. Leaving the well trodden path and stepping back into 'our nature' can feel like a radical act. We enter the liminal space between our old map of reality and our new world. Self-doubt, feeling selfish, uncertainty or fear may creep back. Holding this tension is the challenge.

Such life transitions are hard because our CORE IDENTITY is entrenched in societal values about who we are, personality, duty, perfectionism, attachment and neurodivergence. 

Your inner voice has been preparing you for this transition, patiently waiting for you to emerge. You now have a different conclusion about how to live than the one you were taught. Do not again be seduced by returning to safety, you have outgrown that life. Awaken you spirit and step into a new rhythm, match your nature with nature. It is never too late to wake up excited to be who you are. It's the joy and priviledge of a lifetime.


My mission is to be your guide... to physically, psychologically and spiritually come back to the person you were meant to be. 

you only have to let the soft animal of your body, love what it loves."  mary oliver

different ways you can join me

Workshops to get your SPARK back
'How the light gets in'

Practice to find Serenity: 'Move Breathe Meditate'

 Retreats to connect to your vital energy 'Golden Shadow'

1:1 support to keep you on track 'Therapeutic

"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” – Hafiz

blog: how the light gets in

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