Move beyond talking
The truth is we have been consumed by the medical model for all of our wellbeing and I think this has done us all a disservice, especially women. 'Talking therapy' based on this model will only take us so far. We cannot talk or problem solve our way out of releasing stress and trauma, this is held in our body. We need to move, unravel and release what is inside of us.
Is the merry go round of self-awareness driving your crazy? Do you have insight into your behavioural patterns but still feel stuck? Is there something more you feel you need? This is not unusual. There are cycles we are ignoring. It's only when we genuinely put our biology first can we begin to rewire our stress response. Rewire courses are underpinned by the idea of Eudaimonia - a Greek word translating to 'human spirit' or human flourishing.
To REWIRE our stress response is to begin very gently to explore the language of the body. Interoception, known to yogi's for milenia has sadly escaped the awareness of so many of us today. We have found ways to distract, ignore or block our bodily sensations. Learning to accept and accurately judge our moment to moment experience is the foundation for knowing ourselves. It's how we build physiological and psychological safety and our capacity for emotional regulation. This is how we make choices about who we are and what matters.